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Multi Location Integration
All in one Point Of Sale Software
It's becoming more common practice as Technology advancement facilitate to manage multi locations from on location in an effective way. So many businesses are expanding their branches by opening different outlets at different location without having any concern about geolocation. For these advance option, myPOS is fully functional and can be more efficient to be utilized for this kind of businesses.
myPOS has a pre-defined configuration modules for these kind of businesses and with additional operational option for Online / Offline mode.
Multi Company | Retail & Grocery | Stock Management
Salient Feature
Easy to configure
Touch Screen Ready
Multi Registers
Customer Debit/Credit
Bulk Upload Option
Barcode Printing
Multiple Languages
Supplier Management
Multiple Payment Option
User Access Levels
Customizable Invoice
Employee Salary
Low Stock Alerts
Product Expiry Alerts
And much more...